Integration service
iTD employees have extensive experience in wiring, plug-and-play preparation, and integrating customer components into iTD device carts. We offer customized services for carrying out these tasks.
Customer benefits at a glance:
Reduced transportation costs
Minimized packaging effort
Reliable system functionality
Component purchasing
Quality control
Electrical system test
Direct dispatch to the user

Customization services are possible in various areas. Individual components, accessories or even the packaging can be customized according to customer requirements.
Customer benefits at a glance:
Reduced transportation costs
High recognition value
Individual design
Improved ergonomics
Regulatory affairs
iTD services in the area of regulatory affairs reduce the effort involved in product approvals, regardless of the region. All types of tests can be carried out in the iTD quality laboratory. All tests are certified in documents and with labels. In addition, depot warehouses offer a secure supply chain.
Customer benefits at a glance:
Faster market launch
Safe tipping stability
Streamlined product approval
Less bureaucracy
System tests
Mechanical tests
Tilt test with and without customer components
Depot warehouse
Storage of customer components
MDR-compliant labels
Customized label layout
Risk analysis
Certificates of origin
Free Sales Certificates
Notarized DoC

Service projects
Learn more about projects where we collaborated with customers to overcome challenges and develop solutions for sustainable success.

System for pulmonary function
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System for OR VR Training
Learn more